Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Realization by Unknowing


Falling and Falling

The Wisdom of the Dark

Jul 4, 2023

Saying For Today: The Way is the destination... arriving, you were there.

Words tricky, but inside it's crystal clear.

*Maura O'Halloran. Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind: The Life and Letters of an Irish Zen Saint.

When one worships ... an idea, it is like trying to wash water or creating a new head to put on top of the head one already has. Such activities merely add to people's restlessness. When people stop such restless activity, their integrity [wholeness] is spontaneously there.

*Lao Tzu. The Complete Works of Lao Tzu: Tao Teh Ching and Hua Hu Ching. New Translation and Elucidation by Hua Ching Ni.

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An outline of a Face
traced in the dark

An astronomer cannot trace that line
star to star

All I can do is keep falling
and fall more

The Moon keeps calling me to Herself
while night shrouds the gate to Paradise
with this bliss of unknowing

This does not make sense ~
What a relief!

Friend, you are so funny!
"Brian, thanks for noticing."

*brian k wilcox, feb 2006

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Friend refers to the Sacred, by whatever means you address and speak of That. This Sacred is not separate from anything. All is It by being of It; It is all, by being its Fount.

This Sacred is Life teaching us Itself through unknowing. To enter knowing rather than thought, we enter the "dark" of reasoning with its conceptualizing of the Sacred. Thought, with its thinking, forms a veil before the Altar within the Most Holy.

That most needing to be known, not thought about, is realized by the mind dropping and the heart opening - better, by thought-and-feeling dissolving in the Inner Light ~ the Heart Illumination, for the heart is Its own effulgence, and that is what we imply by words such as spirit, soul, True Self, ...

The "gate to Paradise" is here. It is here, for nowhere. As we receive communion with the Sacred through unknowing, we discover Life is nowhere. Because nowhere, Life is fully present everywhere.

In retreat from words, we enter the Word, unspoken: "In the beginning was the Word," as the Gospel of John says. As Maura O'Halloran writes, inside its crystal clear. "Inside" is neither a space within nor without. Inside is total intimacy, submersion in Truth, in Love.

Words indicate and veil what is. Words indicate worlds but cannot take us there. As Lao Tzu reminds us, attachment to words that indicate Truth results in restlessness.

Is is completely, eternally now. Words, including truths, are caught in the web of time, shaped by time - past, present, future -, unable to free themselves or you from time. Truth is unrestrained by and over time, hence has the self-potency to liberate. In liberating you, It liberates Itself.

Life does not fit in cages. Life flies Open Skies. Spaciousness is Home. The Altar everywhere. All we do and say becomes prayer, gratitude, a love-making - Love with Love. We become what we longed for before words tried to frame it, contain it, but can do neither. Thought melts into the Fire of Presence. Restlessness spontaneously ceases, transformed into peace. The Way is the destination... arriving, you were there.

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*©Brian K. Wilcox, 2023

*Use of photography is allowed accompanied by credit given to Brian K. Wilcox and title and place of photographs.

*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Realization by Unknowing

©Brian Wilcox 2024